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Topic Tag: comparison

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Hi, mi name is Manuel Aguayo and we are aiming to start recycling and joining you in this fight. I don't know much about plastic so here I am asking for help. I was looking for a machine that extrudes and makes 3D filament from PET bottles and I came across with the Filabot company and Precious plastic community. On the one hand the Filabot EX6 extruder is expensive but they told me that it will do the work; however the price is too high. On the other hand The Precious plastic extruder is a cheaper and easy to build one. Taking into considerantion that we would like to extrude PET from bottles and these machines... should I buy the filabotor the precious plastic extruder can do the work perfectly? Greetings!!! Ps: Is there a 3d comercial printer that prints PET?
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