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Extrusion machine: plastic + sand?

Jérôme greenpav

Extrusion machine: plastic + sand?

25/09/2017 at 15:21

Hello everyone,

Im a french student who have the project to create pavement from recyclab plastic and sand.

My goal is to implant a little factory in Gabon in Africa to use the plastic which pollute the country to make road for pedestrian or terrace.

The shredder will be very usefull.

Now to create the pavement I think to use the extrusion machine heat up the plastic and to mix it with the sand.

(The plastic is the binder to sand. It’s necessary to create 280cm² pavement)

Is the extrusion machine the good machine to do that?

Someone have tried this?

Im open to every suggestion

Thanx for reading

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26/09/2017 at 07:37

Here are some video materials for your question.

08/02/2018 at 21:25

Salut Jerome,
Moi aussi j’ai le même projet pour l’Afrique !!!
J’ai trouvé toute le machine nécessaires pour le réaliser.

Tu veux qu’on s’échange de contacte ?


23/02/2018 at 05:14

you can research the use of plastic as a substitute for bitumen on youtube and plastic densifier machines

05/02/2020 at 20:15

Je suis entrain de travailler sur le meme projet, quelqu’un peu m’aider ? Ou echange d’idée.
Je veux savoir la machine extrudeuse qu’il faut utiliser pour le melange entre sable et polymères.

05/02/2020 at 20:17

Alex est ce que tu peu m’aider stp ?

17/03/2020 at 14:49

Hi all. Did any of you manage to find the right extruder for the sand/plastic mix?

Est-ce qu’il y a en un d’entre-vous qui a trouvé la bonne extrudeuse pour le mélange sable/plastique?

, merci de me contacter!


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