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Getting started


Dave Hakkens davehakkens

Getting started

05/10/2015 at 00:00

Good to see you want to make a story worth sharing. We use this place in the forums to help each other out making these videos. Ask questions about equipment, get feedback on your story, share an idea, post a nice video-style you like and ask how to achieve this. Anything that helps you and others to make these stories. Visit Story Hopper in case you need an overview of the basics to get started, guidelines to upload, and the intro footage.

Have fun and good luck!

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In reply to: Getting started

10/12/2015 at 15:16

Hey @davehakkens
Could you tell me: what camera do you use for making your videos ?
it seems easily to transport, to film during a trip and with a nice video quality.

In reply to: Getting started

13/12/2015 at 21:50

I’ve written a part about this in the documents that you can download here
In short. A canon s120 (60%) and a Canon Mark 2 (30%) iPhone (10%)

In reply to: Getting started

19/01/2016 at 23:02

Hello @Davehakkens ! You’ve mentioned Photo Studio for doing stop motions, I tried googling it but I found different ones for regular photo editing, there is one called Arcsoft photo studio and another zoner photo studio!

May you share a link to the one you meant? Thanks!

In reply to: Getting started

19/01/2016 at 23:06

Ok, or did you mean like a regular studio haha, I thought it’s a software for stopmos that lays the photos on top of each other or something. Which one is it?

In reply to: Getting started

21/01/2016 at 11:21

Haha yep, was talking about a regular studio, something like this
I use premiere pro to edit the video, including stopmotion.

In reply to: Getting started

04/06/2016 at 00:25

Hi you can visit this post in the forum thanks

In reply to: Getting started

05/05/2017 at 18:50

Hello, I need some help with this step! (Maybe the answer can be found in the downloadable start-kit on Story-Hopper but the link to the dropbox will not work)


In reply to: Getting started

05/05/2017 at 23:38

hmmm my Dropbox died. But it should be fixed now @tinasteinhauser! Here you can download it as well. Good luck! 🙂

In reply to: Getting started

22/08/2017 at 15:36

Hi @davehakekkens, I’m a big fan of your work. I have a quick question. What software do you use to make the animation in your videos? I’m especially talking about your Precious Plastic videos.

thank you

Alex Pelletier

In reply to: Getting started

22/08/2017 at 20:04

hi @alex-pelletier, mainly Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Pro

In reply to: Getting started

23/08/2017 at 04:29

@davehakkens great thanks. Where did you learn to do that kind of things? Watching videos? Does it have a name?

In reply to: Getting started

05/11/2017 at 16:40

Hi Dave,
The download link on https://story-hopper.com/share-your-story/ doesn’t seem to do what it’s supposed to; at least not in my Chrome browser. When I click on the button, it downloads an htm file named “view”. I downloaded the package by right clicking and opening in a new tab instead. Now here is another issue I see: the Outro file in the package is only a sound effect with no visuals. Don’t know if anyone else has experienced these issues but thought you might want to look into them.

In reply to: Getting started

07/11/2017 at 00:43

Hi tried to download the zip for machine making plans etc, only half the files can open
What am I doing wrong?

In reply to: Getting started

21/11/2017 at 10:11

There is problem with downloading process. Just try to download again and make sure that downloaded file got it “max size”.

Za pierwszym razem miałem to samo. Nie pojawiło mi się oznaczenie maksymalnego rozmiaru pliku podczas pobierania. Plik zaczął się pobierać do nieznanego rozmiaru, po czym zakończył w 46MB.
Za drugim razem wszystko było już ok. Pojawiła się suma kontrolna 96,9MB i wszystko działało.

In reply to: Getting started

09/05/2018 at 19:33

Hi @DaveHakkens

I’m crowdfunding at the moment to get our own precious plastic machines made in my hometown! Am I allowed to use some of your footage in an explainer video of how the machines work?

Thank you 🙂


In reply to: Getting started

09/05/2018 at 19:40

sure thing @catherineecfrancis use whatever you need 🙂

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