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Make it live again

Adrien Luitot adrienluitot

Make it live again

03/08/2018 at 17:59

Hello @davehakkens and people who read this topic !
The phonebloks project becomes more and more forgotten but this is very pity…
Some corporations try to make similar project but they aren’t as cool as phonebloks and the only which I know in sell is fairphone. The idea of fairphone is cool but it is very different as PB and it seems more difficult to upgrade or repair.

So I come to this question : Couldn’t we try to give him a second life of glory ? like few years ago.
I know that big corporations dislike this idea but we could maybe do a try.

I also think that PB idea could be easier to execute on a laptop. Laptops are pretty similar to desktop, they have the same components. But the first difference is that the laptop is very upgradable and repairable.
But I think with the PB idea we could make much easier a LapBloks.

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In reply to: Make it live again

08/09/2018 at 07:01

I agree with you wholeheartedly, but how would we start?

In reply to: Make it live again

14/09/2018 at 11:52

Hi @alanson !

I’m sorry for the late answer and I am very happy to see someone intrested in that :p

I’m not a professional in Electronic but first I think we should make a specifications :

– What do we need first ? Performances, something functional, …
– What design we want, …

After we could start making a prototype which cardboard or something like that.

We should also have some engineers to help us :p

In reply to: Make it live again

15/09/2018 at 08:10

Hello, nice to meet you @drienluitot

To start, maybe we could just look through all of the old patents, blueprints and designs for Google’s project ARA modular smartphone and kind of figure out how to make one from there. They had a pretty good design and working prototypes. https://youtu.be/PQqudiUdGuo

As for an engineer, I don’t really know how to get a hold of one. I do go to college, so maybe I could find one there. We’ll see.

Also due to the fact that I am in college, I may not be able to be very active on this forum, but I will do what I can. Thanks.

In reply to: Make it live again

04/10/2018 at 09:03

Hi ! @alanson

Yes it’s a good idea but I think that make a very modular desktop or a modular laptop could be easier than phone.

Yes it could be cool 😉

To my self I’m actually in High School and I haven’t a lot of time either.
maybe we could make a discord or something like that ? I think it will be easier to answer and work on the project.

In reply to: Make it live again

22/11/2018 at 02:27

Wow sorry I haven’t posted for a while. Yes let’s make a modular computer first. I am all out money rn, but maybe I will be able to get a job next semester in order to buy parts to make it. We’ll see. Sure we could do a discord. I will let you know that I am unfamiliar with how it works though. I have mostly used slack in the past.

In reply to: Make it live again

22/11/2018 at 17:45

modular pc is just a desktop pc, same for laptops they offer upgrades of some sort.
the problem is you have to compromise and on a computer that is a though sell since that already exists

for a modular laptops there are raspberry pie laptop designs out there

In reply to: Make it live again

22/11/2018 at 19:11

Non problem I don’t take a lot of time on the forum.

Cool but I don’t know if there is a lot of parts to make own laptop.
I’ve unmount (destroy) an old laptop and I’ve see some pieces.

I’ll try to make a disxord I’ve I can find the time to 😅


The problem with desktop pc is that you need… A desktop (or table or other you understood). It’s not mobile.

Hmm… A raspberry does really not solve the problem, it can’t play big games, and you can’t upgrade it, it’s like others laptops.

In reply to: Make it live again

22/11/2018 at 19:39

pico atx can be turned into a laptop motherboard. the raspberry pi might not do the job now but its a start and there is a selection of single board computers out there that are getting decent performance for the netbook class laptops (see latte panda)

In reply to: Make it live again

16/01/2019 at 05:35

Hi, there… let me point out why modularity cannot be by big players…
Before that, I can say that modularity can be achieved only by open source, knowledge sharing…
1. Modularity is actually against their basic corporate rules of big players… Even if they want to achieve modularity, they like to play monopoly. That’s big players always exist in the duopoly, which is their game of dominant business strategies.
2. Big players make use of open source but at the end, their end-product technology knowledge is shelved in their secret base. Or they try to sell their products, not to share that knowledge.
Actually, there is more to say but it will be a debate of topic.

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