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Search and Share with your hands


Deepak Krishnan deepakkrish

Search and Share with your hands

28/04/2016 at 07:41

Hi Friends,
I have a habit of sharing clothes to the needy for long time but I want to make this as a video to worth sharing.
I use to take one or two pair of clothes(based on the availble space in my bag). Usually every one who likes to donate clothes they will put all their unused clothes(not even chekc whether is torn or not) and put in a bag and search for orphange and give it to them and feel like they did some thing big..yes indeed its big but did it really matters.. That y i stopped giving clothes to old age home,orphanages instead i made myself a deliver boy for the people..
Needy people are every where like air. just we need to notice them .So I always have a pair of good old used dress in my bag. whereever if I found the needy people it may be bus stop,oxxo, coffee shop.. office entrace.. temple.. i hand it over them..
i can see the real hapiness in their face and also I have full satisfication..

this is what I want to make as video.. your suggestion please.. this week I will give a try for my first ever video..
things I have
1. Nikon D5100 Camera
2. 18-55, 35mm prime and 55 -300mm lens
3. lot of time and patience..
4. ready to travel to find the needy people

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29/04/2016 at 09:35

haha nice story! You definitely have all the tools in place to get started! Specially number 3 is a must, go for it 🙂

02/05/2016 at 20:00

Thanks Dave.. Its really a great experience to roam aimlessly. At first bit scared since i dont know spanish and going inside guadalajara.Managed with the google translater help . walked around 15 kms and gave the clothes to needy people but i faced many issues. I want to express and needs your suggestions to make it better next time

1.I packed 8 pair of dresses but I didnt category .so when i approched first person who is old i just put inside my bag and gave what comes first. didnt realise that shift will fit to him or not
2. I dont have tripod or stick. already my camera is big unble to capture the video while i am giving clothes.. all i can did is took pic.. few didnt want me to take their pics.. every time taking the camera and put in video mode and shoot .. i did mistakes here
3. i took some random videos .. which software should i use to create a video for this story.. i took many pics thought it may useful in preparing a story..

let me know how can i improvise myself for next travel.. post your kits used for making your stories it may helpful for me..


05/05/2016 at 23:42

Hi deepak,

You also need a video editor.
Have a look as these.

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