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Types of plastic

Dave Hakkens davehakkens

Types of plastic

07/12/2015 at 18:25

An overview of the different types of plastic, these are the most common ones. We mostly work with PP, HDPE, LDPE and PS. Just because we gather that the most from our waste here. However they should al work with our machines, just requires some (temperature) testing.

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In reply to: Types of plastic

13/04/2016 at 10:44

Check out this wiki page, it has some info about recycling different types of plastics, such as melting temperatures.


In reply to: Types of plastic

13/04/2016 at 14:37

Hi Dave.

I’m doing my masters degree on Polymer Science. If you have some questions, ask me!

In reply to: Types of plastic

21/04/2016 at 00:36

Hi Dave and @marcelozp

I can`t find much information about PET, are there any restrictions?
Here in Mexico there is PET every where.

In reply to: Types of plastic

22/04/2016 at 14:21


I’ve woeked for 2 years in a big company that recycle pet, almost 1 ton/hour.
It’s very easy but you have just one thing to care about.
First wash the bottles.
second wait to dry.
third shred then.
You need to pre-heat in a oven for 1 hour at70~80 ºC. To redry.
then you can process very well.

In reply to: Types of plastic

22/04/2016 at 20:49


thanks a lot! i`ll start with a concept for the oven!

In reply to: Types of plastic

07/06/2016 at 10:16


it is very clear that i can use 6 or 7 types of plastic.
But when i see you making 3D filement i am confused!

When i talk about 3d printers with my frends that own one they use PLA of ABS plastic.

soo how could you get PLA or ABS filement for 3d printers????

In reply to: Types of plastic

11/06/2016 at 03:24

Let’s get some real info about plastics together. I see each plastic page (ex. http://preciousplasticwiki.herokuapp.com/index.php?title=Pet) having it’s own section on melting temps, restrictions, etc.


In reply to: Types of plastic

04/07/2016 at 18:22

This picture was adapted from: RUDIN and CHOI, The elements of polymer science and engineering, 3ed

This classification is based on enviromental and healthy problem during production, use and discard oh theses polymers.


In reply to: Types of plastic

04/07/2016 at 19:27

Is there actually a safe way to recycle PVC? If yes, can it be done in a DIY manner?

In reply to: Types of plastic

04/07/2016 at 20:38


Is very hard to work with PVC. mainly problem is the liberation of HCl wich is very harmful. To extrude PVC you will need a extrude with degasification (i don’t know if it’s a correct term in english).

In reply to: Types of plastic

05/07/2016 at 15:50

Yeah i feared for that… Lasercutting PVC is also a bad idea… There doesn’t seem to be any easy way to recycle that shit

In reply to: Types of plastic

05/07/2016 at 17:02

if you start to think, PVC is used when you need a long time application, like water pipe, so there is no need to recycle it.

In reply to: Types of plastic

05/07/2016 at 20:22

Plastic crates, plastic pallets, PVC containers, pop-music of the past…

Most are made to last a long time, but still there is a lot of this stuff that’s damaged, broken and outdated. And no real solution to recycle it. This stuff also burns pretty good, and is easy to set on fire. And that’s not a good solution either.

In reply to: Types of plastic

05/07/2016 at 20:30

Sorry but you are wrong. You can’t set PVC on fire. The Cl molecule makes it self extinguishable.

In reply to: Types of plastic

11/07/2016 at 13:45

Hey !
Can anyone tell me that what steel wire to use for the line tie / bait harness. From what I’ve been able to find, .024 to .028 is the popular size, and torsion straightened steel is preferred, is that correct?

Thanks in advance!

In reply to: Types of plastic

07/08/2016 at 15:54

What about recycling plastic bags and film? Can these be recycled with this process??

In reply to: Types of plastic

14/10/2016 at 19:59


We built an extruder and we’re trying to extrude PET. I have been told that it’s one of the more difficult plastics to recycle because it is very particular: it needs to be dried and preheated before melting and the temperature is very sensitive; it can’t be too low or too high.

We are building a new extruder with a longer barrel, about 40 inches (1m) long, so that we can make control temperature zones better and hopefully preheat and dry before we melt. I have a hunch that some people who have successfully extruded PET filament, actually reach melting temperature and then lower slightly before the extrusion nozzle. Do you or anyone else in this forum have any experience with this?

Another note: Re-filament uses only 90% recycled PET, while the other 10% is virgin PET. Apparently this makes it easier to bond the particles.

If anyone has experience in PET, please help us here.

In reply to: Types of plastic

19/11/2016 at 19:22

Hi everyone can you please give me some tips of quantities to mix pet and hdpe to produce plastic wood since they are the two types of plastic that abound in my city.

In reply to: Types of plastic

08/03/2017 at 20:40

@fremuth Que onda carnal ¿como vas con el reciclaje?

In reply to: Types of plastic

18/03/2017 at 23:31

@robksawyer the links you shared aren’t work. Can you share they again ?
Thank you

In reply to: Types of plastic

19/03/2017 at 00:55

Unfortunately, spammers took over the site and I just didn’t have the time needed to manage it all. 🙁

In reply to: Types of plastic

31/03/2017 at 15:59

Hi folks,
Made this overview of the six main types of plastics. It is still a bit in progress so let me know if there are any mistakes.
Remember this is a guideline: due to the many variations in one type of plastic the properties of one type can vary a lot.
Information retrieved from CES Edupack.
Hope it is useful!

When I need it, I will make more of those cards for other common plastics (ABS, PLA, PC etc)


In reply to: Types of plastic

31/03/2017 at 16:01

Continues here


In reply to: Types of plastic

04/04/2017 at 21:59

@mathijsstroober wow! Amazing work, thank you!
Have you got a melting temp for PS too? 😀

In reply to: Types of plastic

04/04/2017 at 22:22

@flo-2 there is none. For plastomeres (type of plastic) you have the amorphous type and the semi-crystalline. Amorphous types do not have a melting point, only a point were it is getting softer. I can explain more if you want but you can also google for amorphous plastics

In reply to: Types of plastic

24/04/2017 at 10:46

@mathijsstroober: Wow, thanks for sharing that. Seems like very valuable knowledge for a plastics newbie like me 😉
Appreciate that you shared it.

In reply to: Types of plastic

26/04/2017 at 02:55

@mathijsstroober Excellent work!!! it is very useful who dont know about plastic.

this article is a good start to me. 🙂

In reply to: Types of plastic

26/04/2017 at 17:52

I’m planning to recycling wasted plastic bag from PE plastic but my question is How can I define between LDPE and LLDPE to make masterbatch for PE extrution film? Or just blended them?

In reply to: Types of plastic

09/05/2017 at 08:28

There are different types of plastics comes in market. These plastics are actually used in creating 3D filaments. A different plastic is used to create the different type of filament-like ABS, PLA or PET.

In reply to: Types of plastic

18/05/2017 at 19:22

@premuth ¿haz encontrado un buen reuso para el PET?

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