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Creating small fishing boats from recycled plastic

Litter Guru pinnacledbm

Creating small fishing boats from recycled plastic

25/02/2019 at 11:42

Hi all
Looking for ideas/ technical help on how to manufacture small fishing boats from recycled plastic (taking shredded plastic and injection moulding or 3d printing etc



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01/03/2019 at 10:28

Hey @pinnacledbm, that’s a bit bigger than a small fishing boat, but might help for inspiration: The Flipflopi project.
I also created this topic for it, where all updates for the further process will be shared – and anyone interested can share their thoughts on building processes 🙂

21/03/2019 at 16:20

I can suggest you to searching for “Mal di plastica” on facebook.

They are building a sailing boat in Italy using plastic bottles. I send you the link:

Good luck!

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