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greeting from Czech republic and our new machines !!

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Slavek Kral slavekkral

greeting from Czech republic and our new machines !!

26/09/2016 at 21:40

Cheers mates !!
my name is Slavek, ive been traveling a bit and now i came back home (Pilsen, Czech republic) and I started to do precious plastic machines for big exhibition about recycling called “Ma plast”. This exhibion starting 12.10.2016 in DEPO2015, Pilsen, Czech republic and thats also our base to build it. So far i have two and half machines and keep going 🙂
our page: http://www.facebook.com/preciousplasticcz (just started)
my travel blog http://www.facebook.com/slavektravelblog

you are more than welcome to come, share, talk, drink Pilsen beer and check the exhibiton (its the bigest exhibion this year here) and definetly worth it .. for more info let me know 🙂

aand few pics

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27/09/2016 at 09:54

coming soon 🙂

27/09/2016 at 04:13

Welcome to Precious Plastic @slavekkral, and congratulations on your machines project, they look awesome 😉

Do you have any videos of the machines in action?

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