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Official statement about extrusion to filament


  • This topic has 29 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Yoel.

Official statement about extrusion to filament

03/05/2019 at 13:34

Hey there,
we would like to know the official statement about whether the extruder can extrude filament. To me it’s no but only because I don’t know a printer which can print certain recycled plastic. I know of pellet printers but that’s about it.

I am asking because we receive emails from clients and til now we still can’t answer them correctly.

Obviously the whole topic needs a lot of research and development and I am sure someone will figure this out (or not) one day. I am also aware that a ‘filament mile’ is around 2-5 meters long ..

So please if anyone could bring light into this story, we’d be very happy to have finally an answer for the users.

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