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Project Ara = Phoneblocks ?

Serius96 serius96

Project Ara = Phoneblocks ?

11/02/2015 at 18:14

Is Project Ara gona be the final Phoneblocks, or are there more Projects in work?

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12/02/2015 at 01:28

As far as I know I believe Phonebloks is the inspiration for Project Ara and other Projects by different companies that have or are attempting to create modular devices, so yes I guess it’s safe to say that there are projects out the besides Ara that are in work , hope this helps!

16/02/2015 at 06:19

llliz_lo21 wrote: As far as I know I believe Phonebloks is the inspiration for Project Ara and other Projects by different companies that have or are attempting to create modular devices, so yes I guess it’s safe to say that there are projects out the besides Ara that are in work , hope this helps! That is exactly right !

21/08/2015 at 14:03

What about the issue that I recently read happened. Proj ARA is suspended because someone dropped a prototype and all the blocs fell out—magnets didn’t hold…

What impact will this have on Phoneblocs as such?

22/08/2015 at 05:41

Project Ara did not fail in drop test, but to a better design (hopefully). Not sure the impact on Phonebloks though.


11/11/2015 at 14:11

Hi! Phonebloks is not Ara. Nor did we inspire them. It’s more a case of great minds think alike.

In Late 2012 Dave was given the task of creating a graduate project. He decided he wanted to try and reduce e-waste. Finding mobile phones to be one of the biggest culprits he made a phone to reduce e-waste.

In late Spring of 2013 Motorola launched the Make-with-Moto-tour. This was a van drive across America where people could interact with the latest tech and play around with 3-d printing. From that experience Motorola learnt that people like to customize there phone and started thinking towards a modular phone.

Motorola was then sold to Lenovo while Google kept the modular phone project.

Google at first said that the latest pushback for Ara was due to the magnets. They later retracted this as a joke.

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